Re-emerging Strong as Steel
Warman’s Welding Ltd.
Back in November 1997, Randy and Lisa Warman took the entrepreneurial plunge and opened their steel fabrication shop in Rexton, NB, aptly named Warman’s Welding Ltd. Their original plan was to provide quality custom manufacturing and repairs to the people of Rexton and surrounding areas, but grew to the point where in 2000 they became a licensed Department of Transportation approved manufacturer.
In 2004, with a lot of hard work and forward thinking, Warman’s began building dumpsters in various sizes for use in the commercial trucking industry, customizing them to fit any type of dumping system. Being 1 of only 2 trailer manufacturers in Atlantic Canada, this move coupled with their ability to offer standard welding repairs, cutting, bending etc., set their business firmly on a solid growth pattern and the future was looking bright. That is until the winter of 2020.
The Covid-19 virus hit and shut everything down, and Warman’s Welding Ltd. was no exception. Unable to receive materials needed in the manufacturing process made shipping completed projects impossible and, as a result, the company had zero sales for over 6 weeks. With 21 employees on the payroll who had to be laid off and facing an uncertain future, Randy Warman wasn’t sure when or even if the company was going to return to normal operations. “I knew we could probably continue operations once we reopened”, Randy says. “But whether we could keep going on a scale we were used to was another story. When I heard that the CBDC was offering the New Brunswick Small Business Emergency Working Capital Program, I immediately gave them a call and set the wheels in motion. This loan helped bridge my company’s finances, allowing us to get back up and running almost at capacity faster than I ever would have recovered on my own, and I’m thankful they were there to help. While we still have a ways to go to fully recover, I’m confident we’ll emerge from this stronger than ever.”
With both feet firmly planted on the ground and their determination forged in steel, Warman’s Welding Ltd. is back on track to creating a thriving future.
©Marlene Oulton