Breaking Workplace Silence (Resources for employers)
We are proud to share with you new resources to help employers understand and manage the impacts of domestic violence in the workplace.
The costs to a business can be serious. Domestic violence that spills over into the workplace can lead to decreased productivity, low employee morale, increased risks of accidents, increased absenteeism, and increased staff turnover. A study conducted with Canadian employers revealed that “Canadian employers lose $77.9 million annually due to the direct and indirect impacts of domestic violence” (Canadian Labour Congress, 2015). Many business owners do not realize that violence originating from the home that spills over into the workplace IS a business issue.
You can read or print the resources directly from the website at: www.Breaking-Workplace-Silence.ca, as well as access other valuable tools, including some short videos.
These resources were developed with business owners, for business owners. Although the resources contain some reference to New Brunswick legislation and programs, the resources can be of great benefit to businesses in any province.
This project was delivered by the CBDC Restigouche (NB) and has been funded in part by Women and Gender Equality Canada, with the help of other project partners, as well as a group of business owners.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us through the Breaking Workplace Silence Website Contact Us page (www.breaking-workplace-silence.ca/contact-us).
** For any situation of Domestic Violence within Restigouche County you can call the Maison Notre-Dame House at 506-753-4703 (shelter for women and children victims of family violence). If you think there is immediate danger, please call 911.
We gratefully acknowledge the materials developed by the New Brunswick Domestic Violence in the Workplace Committee. Many of the resources and information contained in this document are from the work of this committee and their “It’s Your Business – A Domestic & Intimate Partner Violence Workplace Toolkit”, which can be accessed on their website at: www.toolkitnb.ca