Increasing Diversity Hiring in Canadian Banks
Removing Barriers for Persons with Disabilities in the Banking and Financial Services Sector
Our project called ‘’Removing Barriers for Persons with Disabilities in the Banking and Financial Services Sector” was one of the 11 projects funded by Employment and Social Development Canada through the 2022 call for concepts for the Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) program. Through the WORBE program, the Government provides funding to projects that support federally regulated employers in their efforts to make workplaces across the country more representative and inclusive.
Current data shows that most banks have between 5 to 7% of employees with disabilities. Considering that as of 2017, 22% or one in five Canadians identified as having a disability, there is certainly an opportunity for improving the representation of that segment of the population among financial sector staff.
This new (3) three-year national and bilingual project will build on the existing Hire for Talent tools and resources by fostering partnerships, collaboration, and work with the banking and financial Sector to address labor issues related to diversity and inclusion for people with disabilities across Canada. CBDC Restigouche will develop and launch new tools and resources to help increase the representation of people with disabilities in the financial service sector and support banks in their hiring process.