Hire For Talent
From 2015-2018, the Restigouche CBDC developed Hire for Talent, a campaign aimed to increase employer awareness about how people with disabilities are a talented part of the workforce. The campaign reached over 77,000 employers across Canada.
A second national project took place from 2019–2023, which built on the existing Hire for Talent campaign. This project was designed to address the coming need for workforce diversity. Hiring workers with disabilities generates measurable improvements to a workplace’s culture, morale, staff retention and innovation.
Throughout the project, 94 workshops were held across Canada to help workplaces become more inclusive. 1,322 employers attended the sessions.
In collaboration with key partners, Hire for Talent also launched new tools, resources, and videos for employers to help increase their interest in hiring people with disabilities. Over 320,000 employers were reached through the campaign and visited Hire for Talent’s website.
Hire for Talent also conducted a national research study to contribute new data related to the ongoing challenges, best practices, and emerging trends surrounding disability and the workplace in Canada. As part of this study, Hire for Talent organized employer focus groups and delivered two national surveys, reaching over 800 small and medium size businesses and people with lived experience with disability.
New Hire for Talent Project
This new three-year project (2023-2026) will continue to build on the existing Hire for Talent campaign, by developing and launching new online tools, videos and workshops to help employers make their workplaces more inclusive, equitable and accessible. As part of this project, we will also conduct a national research study in partnership with the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC).
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities.