CBDC Trinity Conception
CBDC Trinity Conception
We are CBDC Trinity Conception, part of a network of autonomous, not-for-profit organizations that work with all levels of government and the private sector to meet the needs of small business. Our head office is located in Carbonear, NL.
In rural Newfoundland and Labrador there are 15 Corporations dedicated to the development of small business and job creation. CBDCs have been in operation for over 30 years.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Members represent various geographical locations around the Baccalieu Trail and include:
- Charlene Strickland – Chairperson
- Danielle Doyle – Vice-Chairperson
- Gary Myrden – Past-Chairperson
- John Dunphy – Treasurer
- Roger Gillingham – Secretary
- Ray Tuck – Director
- Peter Petipas – Director
- Sylvia Snow – Director
- Barbara Brown – Director
As CBDCs, we assist in the creation of small businesses and in the expansion and modernization of existing businesses by providing financial and technical services to entrepreneurs.
- Financial assistance is available in the form of loans, loan guarantees and equity financing to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs.
- Business counselling, help & advice is available to small businesses. We help businesses to succeed and therefore we give high priority to the advisory role of our mandate.
- Entrepreneurship development and training to individuals and small business owners/managers is available in many of our offices.
- Technical assistance usually takes the form of guidance and coaching, and sometimes advocating on behalf of our clients to other lending establishments or regulatory agencies.
We are not-for-profit community-based organizations run by volunteers from the local business community who firmly believe in improving the economic viability of their communities. Investment decisions are made by an independent Board of Directors sensitive to the needs of its community. The directors are volunteers from the business sector dedicated to helping make their community a better place in which to live and work. The strength of the CBDCs is in our volunteer boards. They have an intimate knowledge of the local markets, the business environment and the people in their communities.
Learn more about our programs and services or take a look at our Learning Library for small business related educational resources.
Ready to start, expand or improve your business? Contact us today, CBDC Trinity Conception is here to help!