Strung Out-“upcycled strings for rings and things”
Cody Green of Carbonar started his business Strung Out “upcycled strings for rings and things” just three months ago. Strung Out is a business that up-cycles guitar strings and makes them into rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, chokers etc. Instead of putting them in the landfill and letting the metals have negative effects on the environment they are repurposed into beautiful jewelry and make great gifts especially for musicians. Cody started his business because music has a major influence on his life and he also gets to learn more about the business industry and money management. Cody has support from all over the community including having his products displayed and sold at O’Brien’s Music Store in downtown St. John’s and at Ocean View Art Gallery in Carbonear.
Cody won 2017 Venture of The Year for CBDC Trinity Conception and went on to win Outstanding Venture (17 years and under) for 2017 at the Provincial Awards ceremony!