Capture Therapeutics by PhysioFirst
Moving Forward During Troubled Times
Ask anyone who has ever sustained any type of injury what was the most critical component to their recovery and many of them will respond that, without physiotherapy, they wouldn’t have gotten their mobility and sense of well-being back. However, not all would agree on the efficiency or type of care they received from their therapist, and sometimes felt that they were just a number on an intake form. That one factor is the driving force behind Capture Therapeutics by PhysioFirst and is in fact their promise to their clients – “You will be Seen… Heard… and Understood.”
As a bonus, physical therapy isn’t the only modality offered by the dedicated professionals at Capture Therapeutics by PhysioFirst. Massage therapy, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Pelvic Reeducation, Pedorthist, and Kinesiology are a few of the other services offered either on premise or via telehealth treatments, which has now become an entirely new direction in their daily operations.
“When Covid-19 hit, we were in the same boat as most other small businesses. Our services were not declared to be essential and we were solely treating urgent care. We pushed through, managing the ethics of treating vs. not treating. We stayed in direct communication with our government to manage our reopening as safely as possible. Furthermore, during these times of closure, we had to decrease our staff and hours of operations, as well as adopt rigorous sanitization and cleaning procedures, on top of the strict guidelines that we have been following since day one”, states Sascha Boulet-Devost, CEO. “These new guidelines pushed us into the forum of telerehab as a way of providing alternate solutions to existing and new clients and get our staff back on payroll as soon as possible”. We’ve since discovered that this method has opened a new venue of offering services, and that’s where the CBDC’s Government of New Brunswick Small Business Emergency Working Capital loan came along at the perfect time. The added capital from this loan will allow us to reach a wider range of the general population, offer more services, as well as make it easier for people to receive the care they need from the safety of their own home, in both rural and urban communities. Our licensed professionals can deliver tele rehab in all the Atlantic provinces. This pandemic has helped us become stronger as a team and we are determined to push through these difficult times. Our why has always been accessibility for all, whether we perceive that for our clients living in the most rural of homes, urban centres with long wait-lists, or even in terms of providing employment which is supportive of our employees’ lifestyles and everyday needs.”
As many of our happy, pain-free clients will attest, they’re very thankful that Capture Therapeutics by PhysioFirst has been able to provide treatment during these often troubling times. By adopting new practices, Capture Therapeutics by PhysioFirst has shown that where there is a will, there is a way to literally move forward, step by step. See you online www.capturerehab.ca!
©Marlene Oulton 2020