Self-Employment Benefit Program for Persons with a Disability
The Self-Employment Benefit (SEB) Program often provides a much needed catalyst for new entrepreneurs, helping them to realize their goal of becoming a business owner by providing them with financial and coaching support during the planning and start-up phases of their business. Self-Employment Benefit (SEB) is a program which provides various types of support to eligible applicants during the initial phase of their business, including financial assistance, counselling and technical advice.
The Self Employment Benefit program for Persons With a Disability (PWD):
- Applicant of SEB PWD may or may not be EI eligible.
- Applicant of SEB PWD must be ready to work at the business at least 25 hours per week.
- Applicant of SEB PWD must meet with the liaison officer in order to assess their needs and obtain support in accessing appropriate individualized resources.
- A business under the SEB PWD Program must be in operation for a minimum of 44 weeks per year.
- A business under the SEB PWD Program must be established in NB and begin operation within 15 weeks of signing a Self-Employment Benefit contract.
Consult the Applicant's Guide for all the details.
What Financial Assistance Will You Receive?
Under the Self-Employment Benefit (SEB) Program, you must be receiving or have received Employment Insurance (EI) benefits within a certain timeframe. You will continue to receive your Employment Insurance (EI) benefits until your claim ends. At this time, you will receive support at a provincially established rate for the duration of time remaining on the SEB Program. OR, if you are approved for the SEB Program, but are not currently receiving Employment Insurance benefits, you will receive a weekly allowance at a provincially established rate. The Self-Employment Benefit Coordinator in your area can provide you with additional information on what other support may be available to you.
The TESS Program provides funding and support to New Brunswickers who have a permanent disability so that they can participate in training and/or employment opportunities, including self-employment.
How to Begin
Step 1 - Meeting with the SEB Coordinator
First, you will meet with the SEB coordinator in your region to conduct an analysis of your strengths and needs, in order to determine if self-employment is a viable choice for you. (A list of all the CBDC offices is available in the Applicant's Guide.)
Step 2 - Meeting with the Liaison Officer of the SEB PWD Program
Afterwards, you will need to meet with the Program Liaison Officer to confirm your disability and determine your eligibility for the SEB PWD component.
Step 3 – Completing Application Form and Preparing Business Plan
If self-employment is an option, you will be asked to complete and submit an application form and you will also need to prepare a business plan. Your business plan must demonstrate potential for success. Your Self-Employment Benefit Coordinator will explain the key requirements for the business plan.
Step 4 – Selection Process
The application and business plan will be presented by your Self-Employment Benefit Coordinator to a committee and evaluated according to provincially established program criteria. If you are a successful applicant, you will be officially made aware of your acceptance into the Self-Employment Benefit (SEB) Program by your Self-Employment Benefit Coordinator.
Success Stories
Promotional video
* Please note: SEB is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labor Market Agreements.
* Please note: Programs and services delivered by CBDCs may vary by region.
For more information: contact Linda Noel Smith, Liaison Officer at 506-548-2406