Social Economy Pilot Project
Proposed projects must demonstrate their ability to build a stronger, healthier community by reducing poverty, promoting social and economic inclusion, and building on the strengths and assets of the community.
Selected projects must align with the priority actions established by the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation (ESIC):
Priority actions:
- Social economy
- Mental health
- Transportation
- Sport, recreation and leisure activities
- School food programs
“Project” category: $25,000
The “Project” category applies to the implementation of a project aligned to one of ESIC’s ( Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation) priority actions. Complete, detailed funding applications are to be submitted to CBDC Chaleur for evaluation considering ESIC’s eligibility criteria.
The maximum contribution for the "Project" category is $25,000, and the reimbursement percentage is 75%. The client/organization's contribution must be at least 25% and must be financial. In-kind or volunteer contributions may be considered. However, this will have to be clearly demonstrated. The client/organization's portion of the contribution must be clearly explained in the application for funding.
After three months, the client/organization will be required to submit a progress report to CBDC Chaleur Inc. that will provide a financial update and progress. The report should indicate whether the project is on schedule.
Eligible Expenses under Project
- Office rental
- Office expenses and supplies
- Telephone and Internet
- Marketing (printing, brochures, advertising, and promotion)
- Contract costs (legal, accounting, consulting, facilitation, translation)
- Meeting and conference costs (meals, travel, space rental, childcare)
- Any other expenses incurred to support successful project implementation and completion
Ineligible Expenses under the Project
- Administration expenses
- Duplication of an existing public or private community program
- Emergency funding to replace another funding source that has been eliminated
- Purchase of land, buildings, or vehicles
- Payment of expenses or undertakings incurred before the date of acceptance of confirmed funding
- Gift cards or credit cards
- Purchase of computers or websites
- Purchase of food
- Vehicle maintenance, registration, or insurance expenses
Additional funding for training is available through Social Enterprise New Brunswick (up to $5,000) - Social Enterprise Capacity Building Fund - Application Form
’’Study” category: $15,000
This category applies to funding provided to non-profit organizations toward the development and documentation of their social economy project. This type of grant is in the form of a non-repayable contribution of up to $15,000. The reimbursement percentage for this category is generally 75%. The client/organization must submit the final report from the consulting firm and proof of payment 90 days after signing the contribution agreement.
To be eligible for this contribution, the client/organization will need to submit a complete funding application to CBDC Chaleur for approval. The client/organization will also be required to provide CBDC Chaleur with at least 1 proposal from recognized consulting firms. In the event of an inability to provide consultant proposals, the client/organization will need to demonstrate that it has taken the necessary steps.
Eligible “Study” projects:
- Feasibility studies
- Business plan
- Communication and social media plan
- Marketing plan