CAS PEI Program
Our Consultant Advisory Services (CAS) Program can provide small and medium-sized (SMEs) businesses with financial assistance to access professional services and expertise.
The following sectors are not eligible: non-profit organizations, real estate, government services, and normally services of a personal or social nature.
Eligible CAS participants can access professional services for any of the following activities:
Diagnostic assessments; Business Valuations; Business Plan Mentoring:
To undertake a thorough review of all aspects of an existing operation in order to provide a business valuation or an objective assessment of its current performance, key issues and future prospects.
Access to Capital; Business Management Development Practices; Business Planning; HR Planning; IT Planning; Succession Planning: To undertake a comprehensive review of the management practices and skills of an existing business to provide an objective assessment of its current status and identify opportunities to enhance operational/management performance. The analysis and report will cover the key areas of the business, with particular emphasis on management weaknesses and should provide recommendations on the most appropriate skills development, which would stimulate and assist the business to mature and grow. HR Planning that would assist the business in achieving its goals. IT Planning can include website development planning, branding (brand identification), and social media planning.
Market Readiness; Technology Adoption; Assessing Export Potential and/or New Markets; Business Pivoting Including Digitization & Diversification: To undertake an objective assessment of a company to determine its export readiness and identify areas that require enhancement to successfully enter the export market, as well as assessment required in expanding existing markets and/or to enter new geographic markets (may include the
development/implementation of an export market strategy and action plan). CAS in-depth business management assistance in areas relating to marketing, technology adoption, business pivoting plans including digitization and diversification to provide value added products, accounting, financing management, inventory control, productivity improvement, and other areas that would assist the business in achieving its goals.
Apply today at caspei.ca
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CBDC personnel are always ready, willing, and eager to help business owners do what they do best, which is successfully run a thriving company.