Consultant Advisory Services (CAS)
The Consultant Advisory Services program is offered by ACOA with CBDCs handling the administration and counselling involved. The program gives CBDCs the ability to offer Consultant Advisory Services to small and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in Atlantic Canada. New and existing clients of CBDCs and ACOA will be able to access technical and financial assistance by engaging consultants to assist them with various issues, opportunities and challenges.
Eligible CAS participants can access the CAS Initiative for any of the following activities:
1. Diagnostic assessments: to conduct a thorough review of all aspects of an existing operation to provide an objective assessment of its current performance, key issues and future prospects.
2. Business Management Development Practices: To undertake a comprehensive review of the management skills of an existing organization in order to provide an objective assessment of its current status and identify opportunities to enhance operations/management performance. This will ensure that the organization maximizes its growth potential and job creation over the long term. Consulting services for the review, development and implementation of Board Governance policies and procedures, legal consulting for contracts, HR, etc., or any other topics deemed appropriate, can also be covered in this category.
3. Access to Capital: To source other options for capital beyond government sources of financing. A consultant with expertise in this field will assist the client with the development of a business plan and funding proposals. Not intended for new start-ups.
4. Market Readiness/Export Potential: To undertake an objective assessment of an existing organization to determine its export readiness and identify areas that require enhancement to successfully enter the export market. The analysis would be carried out following discussions with the trade experts at the federal and provincial levels. This assessment should increase the organization’s chances of success.
5. Specific Studies/Business Plan Mentoring: To assist an organization with the development and initial implementation of a study or business plan. It is intended that the Consultant provide guidance and direction while the actual plan is prepared by the organization.
6. Aftercare/Mentoring and Follow-up: To provide mentoring or assistance to a client who has proceeded with the implementation of advice/ strategies developed in any of the above described CAS products.
7. Business Valuation: To provide access to a Chartered Business Valuator to help value the assets of the business, as well as review the cash flows and projections. This professional valuation provides confidence to interested buyers in the validity of the listed price.
8. Aftercare/Mentoring and Follow-Up: To provide mentoring or coaching assistance and advice to an organization that has proceeded with the implementation of advice/strategies developed in any of the above-described CAS products. A second CAS application requires approval from the NS Association of CBDCs.
9. Diversity and Inclusion: To provide objective assessments of current strengths and identify opportunities for building and enhancing diverse and inclusive communities.
CBDC personnel are always ready, willing, and eager to help business owners do what they do best, which is successfully run a thriving company.