Future Entrepreneur Loan
The CBDC Victoria Madawaska-South believes that it is important to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of young people in our region. They are our next generation and the CBDC Victoria Madawaska-South wants to support them from a young age. It is for this reason that we created the Future Entrepreneur Loan. The objective of this program is to allow young people to create their micro-enterprise, thereby enabling them to acquire unforgettable work experience and to develop as an entrepreneur. That being said, the CBDC Victoria Madawaska-South offers to these young people the possibility of borrowing up to $ 1,500.
More precisely:
- Loan amount up to $ 1,500
- 5% interest
- 8 to 18 years old
- Flexible reimbursement schedule
- Grant up to 30% of the loan value
To be eligible for the 30% reimbursement of the loan amount, here are the information required when the loan will be completely reimbursed:
- Final report explaining the operation of the business
- Provide a summary of the expenses and sales for the operation period
- The loan must be completely reimbursed 12 months following the start-up date
- The reimbursement must be reinvested in the micro-enterprise
For more information, please contact us at (506) 473-6446.