Women in Business New Brunswick
Women in Business New Brunswick
Women in Business New Brunswick (WBNB) helps current and aspiring women entrepreneurs reach their full potential as business owners by delivering quality counseling and services.
WBNB’s great added value lies in an experienced team of development officers who provide bilingual support (personalized consultations) to all women entrepreneurs, in both rural and urban areas. Three main, well-targeted focus areas address the current needs of women entrepreneurs: (1) start-up, (2) growth and expansion, and (3) export. In addition, an officer on our team is dedicated to Indigenous women entrepreneurs.
Our projects
Consultant Advisory Services Program & Training
The Consultant Advisory Services program gives Women in Business New Brunswick the ability to offer Consultant Advisory Services to small and medium-sized businesses in New Brunswick. WBNB also helps women by offering webinars and various group trainings.
Atlantic Canadian Women in Growth Partnership
The goal of this project is to fill gaps in the female entrepreneurial ecosystem at the start-up and growth level, but also to increase women’s participation in under-represented groups, such as newcomers, women with disabilities, Indigenous women, rural women, as well as women in non-traditional trades and STEM-related fields.
This project seeks to promote female entrepreneurship, share best practices, build bridges between businesswomen facing similar challenges, develop and share tools and compare business models to help women entrepreneurs start and grow their own business.
International Peer-to-Peer Exchange Program
The International P2P Exchange Program seeks to forge lasting relationships between female entrepreneurs in New Brunswick and women in other countries operating in similar sectors. Participants benefit from the skills and experience of their peers, discuss best practices, cultural differences, innovations in their respective industries, purchasing behaviours, markets, etc. This pairing also includes supporting participants’ international prospecting efforts in their partner’s market (presentation of key partners, sales agent, importer and/or buyers), and the creation of a genuine partnership.
Coffee Break & Mawiomi
The Coffee Break program is designed to virtually connect women entrepreneurs from across the province to foster collaboration and improvement through the exchange of business skills. Whether you are an existing or aspiring woman entrepreneur, this is an opportunity for YOU to learn, grow and bond! Mawiomi is the Indigenous version of the Coffee Break.
Nujintuisga’tijig E’pijig
Nujintuisga’tijig E’pijig means Indigenous women salespersons/vendors in Mi’gmaq. It is an online platform created to help Indigenous women entrepreneurs sell their crafts, including artwork, beadwork, clothing, basket making, etc.
Our team
Rebecca Preston
Phone: (506) 888-0826
Mary Reid
Development Officer – Start-Up
Nicole Sanchez Landry
Development Officer – Export and International Trade
Nacole Charlie
Development Officer – Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs
Phone: (506) 230-3421
Isabelle Arseneau
Project Coordinator
Phone: (506) 548-1024
Follow Us
Instagram : wbnbfanb
Facebook : Women in Business NB – Femmes en Affaires N.-B.
Linkedin : Women in Business New Brunswick – Femmes en Affaires Nouveau-Brunswick