Community Asset Mapping (CAM)
The CBDC Victoria Madawaska-South has launched in 2017 a new comprehensive and interactive Business Directory to the general public in order to improve business performance, increase companies’ visibility, and easily find details about different suppliers in the greater Grand Falls area (from Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska to Nictau and Muniac).
The Business Directory provides over 1,700 local businesses and community-based resources in fields such as agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, construction, manufacturing, retail trade, transportation, finance and insurance, professional, scientific and technical services, health care and social assistance.
Searching a business/organisation via the NAICS
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. By entering a 6-digit NAICS number through Statistics Canada website, any company/organisation can be found and broken down into 9 categories identified by their first number:
- 1 = Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- 2 = Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction / Utilities / Construction
- 3 = Manufacturing
- 4 = Retail trade / Transportation and warehousing
- 5 = Information and cultural industries / Real estate and rental and leasing / Professional, scientific and technical services / Management of companies and enterprises / Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
- 6 = Educational services / Health care and social assistance
- 7 = Arts, entertainment and recreation / Accommodation and food services
- 8 = Other services (except public administration)
- 9 = Public administration
A hard copy of the Business Directory is available upon request, and it is possible to access the Database in Excel format with filters that enables to sort the information.