Introducing the Atlantic Business Award of Distinction winners - Shivani's Kitchen
A taste of home
Shivani's Kitchen was founded in 2014 by Shivani Dhamija, who moved to Nova Scotia in 2011 to be with her partner Abhishek Asthana. Shivani moved here with a Diploma in Public Relations from Fanshawe College to pursue a job here. She tried various media and public relations companies but had no luck. She's a very independent person who doesn't give up easily - so while waiting for her dream job, she started working wherever she could find work. She worked at MacDonald's as a cashier, volunteered at the Lung Association of Nova Scotia and then as a front desk person at the Canada Games Center.
While working at the Canada Games Center, a friend of Indian heritage told her that an Indian trucker friend she knew was missing home-cooked food and wanted someone to make food for him to take on his trips. He was Shivani's first client and helped launch Halifax's first packaged Indian Meal Delivery Service!
Taking a chance, Shivani created a Facebook page publicizing her Meal Delivery Service and got a tremendous response. Then a second opportunity arose. People tried her food and wanted to learn to cook Indian food. Their second line of business (Cooking Classes) began in 2015.
In 2015, they also ventured out and joined the Farmers' Markets. Another opportunity presented itself to them from listening to the feedback from their Cooking Classes. Participants loved the classes but said they found it difficult to find the spices to prepare the meals at home. Understanding their customers and sensing a need, they launched their Spice Blends in 2016. Shivani closed the door to her restaurant at the Seaport Market at the end of August 2020 to focus on her new venture – a food production plant.
While growing her business, Shivani has helped other entrepreneurs, especially women and immigrant entrepreneurs, because she knows the struggles they may face. She has also worked with CBDC Hants-Kings to continue to grow her business and support her community.