Oyster Farm Development Program
The OFDP is a two (2) year program which may provide, to successful applicants, a non-repayable contribution of up to 75% of eligible expenditures. The program will provide a maximum of $100,000 per eligible projects per year without exceeding $400,000 per eligible recipients for the life of the program including the previous OFDP 2018-2022 and other Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF) financial support.
Eligible Activity:
The approved eligible activity for this program is:
- The adoption of suspended oyster (crassostrea virginica) culture technology or equipment to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the sector in New Brunswick.
Operational Equipment:
- Production equipment for suspended aquaculture (e.g. grow out, seed collection, boats and related outboard motors, anchors, etc.); and
- Equipment to improve productivity (e.g. automatic baggers, washer, tumblers, mechanical graders, sorting tables, lifts, etc.).
- Maximum non-repayable contribution of 25% of eligible expenditures.
Adoption of New Technology:
- Adoption of newly developed technology to be used in shellfish aquaculture operations.
- Maximum non-repayable contribution of 75% of eligible expenditures.
Sustainability Tools:
- Management tools (e.g.: sensors (salinity, turbidity, temperature, sonar, wind, etc.), software for traceability/inventory management); and
- Equipment for climate change mitigation (e.g., insulated tubs, temperature control, equipment to protect oysters during transportation, etc.).
- Maximum non-repayable contribution of 50% up to a maximum of $10,000 of eligible expenditures.
Oyster Seeds and Spats:
- Oyster seed stock (Crassostrea virginica) with proper licences and permits required by the authority having jurisdiction; and
- Maximum non-repayable contribution of 25% up to $6,500 per year per project accompanied receipts and proof of payment of eligible expenditures.
Eligible Applicants:
- An eligible applicant is a commercial oyster producer, including First Nations, which hold and is in compliance with all the necessary permits, leases and licenses to operate suspended oyster aquaculture.
- Commercial Oyster producer:
- Incorporated entities;
- co-operatives;
- partnerships;
- sole proprietorship; and
- Indigenous organizations.
- Must be in good standing with the Province of New Brunswick; be registered with the Corporate Affairs Registry, where applicable.